Topic of the Week

July 10th, 2017

Nutrition and Cancer

It seems that everything in the modern world is related to increases in the incidence of cancer. Moreover, it also seems that there is little that we can do about that fact other than avoiding those circumstances or situations that may cause it. For example, lung cancer is far more prevalent in smokers than in non-smokers (although about 15% of those individuals that get the disease are NON-smokers). But as it turns out, there may be some things that we can do to reduce our chances of contracting many diseases by something as simple as better nutrition.

Although it is well-documented that overindulgence in certain types of foods (particularly those that are high in fat) may be related to an increase in some types of cancer, it is also now accepted that including higher amounts of fruits and vegetables in the daily eating plan may help to significantly REDUCE the incidence of many types of cancer—even those that are unrelated to a lifetime of dietary indiscretion. In a study of lung cancer supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), it was stated that individuals who consumed at least four cups of fruits and vegetables per day could reduce their incidence of lung cancer by about 12%. This speaks of a relationship between better nutrition and disease prevention as a result of greater immunity to disease brought about by nutrient interaction that cannot necessarily be found in individual nutrient supplementation. The major contributors to this phenomenon are “phytoestrogens” and carotenoids.

Phytoestrogens are “phytochemicals” found in certain foods that appear to produce resistance to some types of diseases. The scientific literature has, in recent years, begun to rack up more and more evidence that many foods contain these disease-fighting compounds. Sometimes referred to as “phytosterols”, they are increasingly being found to mimic hormone activity in the body which may assist in improving immune response. It doesn't mean that smokers can get a free ride by consuming these foods (they still need to STOP smoking) but it may mean that those of us in the other 15% of the population that may get lung cancer as a result of air pollution, second-hand smoke or other unknown causes, may be able to avoid the disease (and others) more readily.

What are these wonder foods? Foods such as fruits and vegetables with high levels of bright colors (think carrot, red peppers and watermelon, for example) are the way to go. Other foods such as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower are good examples), soy, citrus fruits and berries and even tea all contain helpful levels of these natural anti-oxidants. As always, the less processing the better in terms of potency and effectiveness. And it's not like these foods are hard to find or difficult to include in a typical eating plan or regular diet. So try a natural, delicious and easy way to ramp up your immune system and protect your body from disease as you improve your general health with a diet that includes plenty of these easy to prepare and inexpensive super foods.

I’m Dr. Paul Kennedy and that’s the “Be Fit, Stay Fit” Topic of the Week. Good luck with YOUR program. I KNOW you can do it!