Whether you like it or not, your image sets the mood of the audience and speaks volumes about you as a speaker without you saying a word. Having a great topic for your speech and talking points are not the only important factors in wowing your audience. A speaker must project the complete image package that includes dressing, behavior and communication to win your audience every time. Here are eight image tips to enhance your speaking presence: 1. Arrive early to check out equipment, music, seating and arrangements. Don't wait until you are due on stage to start thinking about this important task. Testing your equipment ahead of time will elevate interruptions during your speech. Make your presentation and everything relating to it speak volumes about you. 2. Don't eat or drink right before or during event. Eat before you arrive and make sure that you check your face, hands and clothing for food particles and stains. Brush after meals and remember to pop a breath mint in your mouth before speaking close up and personal with others. Bad breathe and food stuck between your teeth are offensive no matter what the occasion. 3. Dress appropriately. Clothes reflect your personality. Clothes must fit you properly, be clean, and pressed. Clothes are part of your non-verbal message and say a lot about you. You want to be perceived as trustworthy, credible, confident and self assured. 4. Wear a suit when you are unsure of what to wear as a speaker. You must also have impeccable grooming. Look in the mirror at yourself from a front, back, and side view before speaking. 5. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes. Avoid clothes that you have to constantly adjust, and pull/tug on. This will interfere with your thought process and be distracting to your audience. No pain can be more distracting than the pain a speaker feels and that shows on his/her face when wearing tight shoes. Remember to wear comfortable shoes if you will be standing and walking during your speech. 6. Empty Your Pockets. Remove coins, keys and other items that jingle from your pockets before your speaking engagement empty and avoid distracting accessories that jingle when you walk. 7. Display civility. Your code of conduct and manners are on display and can make or break you. Be careful of what you say and how you say it. Don't make offensive remarks or jokes, make some members of your audience look foolish or feel inadequate, and don't single an audience member out for criticism. 8. Speak with Impact! Speak with a controlled firm voice and avoid monotones. You want to keep your audience awake and interested in your speech. Make occasional eye contact with your audience and WOW them with your presence! Remember, as a speaker you want to create consistent perceptions through your image, behavior and communications. Stand out as a speaker in a new authentic way by using your image to speak well of you.