Secret Number 1- Idea
Top performers have a very clear idea of what they want to accomplish or achieve. It is not what someone has told them to do and they are following the directive. Instead it is from the very core of their being. They have conceived an idea. They have given birth to a concept.
Throughout history greatness has emerged as the result of an idea. Christopher Columbus had an idea that the world was round and not flat. As a result of his idea and the steps that followed he discovered a new world. Thomas Edison conducted thousands of experiments in an attempt to discover electricity. Prior to Edison’s discovery of electricity, he had an idea that it existed.
He may have called it by a different name but none-the-less he had the idea. The Wright Brothers also had an idea that the possibility of flight existed. Through trial and error they flew from Kitty Hawk. The actual thought of flight was the seed of the creation. Look around you. Everything that you see that has been built, made, or designed had its inception in and idea. What does this concept mean to you?
Let’s look at the concept of thought and creation in a forward direction and then in a reverse fashion. I have stated that every creation or physical manifestation had it’s inception in a thought. The thought was the seed of the creation. The birth of the physical manifestation took place at the moment the idea was brought into being.
Now having said that, if you can think of something that does not yet exist by the very fact that you have conceived of the idea, the physical manifestation is within the realm of possibility, it exists in the form of energy or thought. One may not know how to bring the thought into its physical form but it can be created. You just don’t know how yet at that point in time. You may not know how to bring your idea into a physical form yet, and the key word is YET.
Going back to Edison, he had the idea of electricity maybe by some other name. The label is not important. The moment he conceived of the idea the creation had taken place. It was then a matter of going through a number of processes until he was able to manifest the idea. In future reports I will share with you the concept of time and creation.
For the moment trust that while Edison and the Wright Brothers had the idea of electricity or flight they did not create the concept. That is correct, they did not create the concept or idea of electricity or flight, and they sourced the idea. They drew the idea from the universal bank of ideas and creation. Put another way, the idea of electricity and flight always existed. These concept’s and those that have not been sourced always existed. When the idea of flying to the moon was conceived, the idea had always existed.
At the time of the idea being brought forth the technology was not discovered and yet the idea and the how to always existed. The source of all ideas comes from one place. That one place is Universal Consciousness. This may challenge your thinking, you may agree or disagree, and you may understand or be confused. Let it percolate for a while.
Look at your own life experience. How many times have you had an idea about something you wanted to do, something you wanted to have, to make, or a place where you wanted to go. Typically these ideas come about as a result of some type of a gap that exists in one’s life experience.
But where does this gap come from? We first have an expectation of the way some situation is supposed to be. As we look at the situation we also have a reality that we experience. When we look at the experience we are having and measure it against the current reality we experience a gap between the two.
When we experience the gap a question is typically asked,” how do I fix this, how do I deal with this, etc. When we are centered and open we become a receiver of sorts and the messages come in from the universal consciousness. The messages come to us in many ways.
It can be a conversation we over hear, an article in a news paper, a bill boards on the highway. The universe will find many ways to get the answers to us. We need to be open to the ideas that come and act on them.
When your ideas came into being it was not an accident.
When your ideas did not come into being, that was not an accident either. Now, don’t get upset with what I am about to tell you. When you manifested your idea it was because of you. When you did not manifest the idea you had in your mind, it was also because of you.
You may not agree but it is true. We have a tendency to take credit for what we achieve. When we do not achieve what we want to achieve we have tendency to use outside circumstances to justify why we were not successful. The fact of the matter is you stopped when you should have kept going.
If it took Edison five thousand experiments to manifest electricity and he stopped at four thousand nine hundred and ninety nine, it was him that created the failure. If there were circumstances that he decided would not allow him to complete his task, then he would not have.
There are the ideas of what we want to create and then there are the ideas of what and how we can. There are also the ideas of the how we cannot and how long it will take us. There are the ideas of the resources we will need and the people we will need.
Every idea also has many other imbedded ideas that will support the achievement or the lack of the achievement. One may have a great idea that is very doable. The idea of I am too old or too young or I don’t know how, I don’t have enough money, it is not the right time, they won’t let me, the economy is bad, other people tried and failed. These are all ideas that do not support the creative process.
Creating is creating what we want. Creating is also creating what we do not want or creating the stuff that will get in the way of creating what we do want. The mind is a machine; it is the magic lantern in life. Rub it and it with negativity and you get negative outcomes. Rub it with a positive attitude and you have positive outcomes.
What ideas do you have that you can create and bring into being? Your mind is the farm, your ideas are the seeds of creation and the outcome is the crop. Get it?

Secret Number 2-Desire
Once the idea has been formulated in the mind of top performers they have a very strong desire to create. Their desire is to take their concept and manifest it, to bring it into being. The desire is so strong that nothing will get
in their way. Desire is the fuel that drives creating. In the absence of strong desire not much will happen.
With Top Performers and Achievers desire is so strong that they are not disappointed by outcomes that are not consistent with their expectations. Thomas Edison was asked why he kept on trying after so many failures. Edison replied he did not fail but had identified thousand of ways not to create the light bulb.
When you actually look at the construction the the light bulb there are three polls. The positive on the right, the neutral in the middle and the negative on the left. When the current passes from the right toward the left pole it meets with resistance of the neutral pole which is centered between the right and left poles. It is the resistance that is created by the center or neutral pole that creates the light.
It is interesting to point out that when we work against resistance when we are trying to achieve something we also create light or in other words the outcome. By way of example, if you go to the gym and push against a very light weight there isn’t much muscle growth because there is not much resistance.
If you push against a heavy weight where there is more resistance there is more effort required but the outcome is muscle growth. The next day there is some soreness, but then there is the recovery. If we stop because the weight is too much or we are not happy because of the resistance and quit, there is no growth.
If we continue and work against the resistance we grow. As we grow we become more capable to work against more resistance. The same is true in life. When we are looking to achieve something, there is resistance just at the gym and just as in the light bulb. There has to be, it is part of the creative process.
At any given time we can quit, we can tell ourselves this is too hard, it can’t be done and we will be right. Remember everything starts with the idea. The idea is the seed. The outcome is the crop. If the seed idea is we can’t, we will grow the fruit of that idea. The fruit we reap is nothing. If we say we can, we also give birth to the outcome of that seed as well?
Desire takes on many forms and influences the achievement of goals. Some people have a level of desire to create something and yet never achieve what they want to achieve. This level of desire is the “I Would Like To” level. At this level the individual would like to have or do something, create something.
Because the level of desire is at the “I Would Like To” level, there is not enough energy to drive the person into activity. At best the activity would be started but will not be sustained because the level of desire required for success is not there. When the least bit if resistance comes along the project may be aborted.
At this level of desire the individual may have conversations with others about their desire. The talking about it makes them feel like they are making some kind of progress and causes them to feel good.
The next level of desire is the “I Want To” level. This level has more intensity than the” I Would Like To” level of desire; it gives more fuel to drive the project and yet may not be enough. There could be some start and stop activity. Other projects may take precedent over this new objective.
The period of time it takes to accomplish the object may be unnecessarily elongated. Or, it could fall to the back burned, or to be revisited some time in the future. At this level of desire there is some moderate success. People do achieve what they want to achieve. The person with the “I Want To” level of desire must be at the upper end of the scale of desire in order to meet with success.
The next level of desire is the” I Really Want To” level. The person with this level of desire is highly motivated to want to achieve. They are head and shoulders above the “I Would Like To” and “I Want To” levels. At this level passion and excitement begin to emerge.
The person at this level is more likely to move past obstacles, stay focused and achieve success. The highest level of desire is the “I Must No Matter What” level. At this level of desire, passion and excitement are at the upper most level of the scale. Obstacles are not viewed as challenges or problems but as opportunities.
The individual is more proactive and less reactive in the pursuit of the objectives. Regardless of the resistance the individual encounters, the individual continues to pursue the objective meeting each obstacle with an unending desire to succeed. Each achievement fuels the desire and the drive to achieve.
Each success bolsters the levels of excitement, self concept and self image. The attitude is one of “Nothing will get in my way and I will succeed no matter what.” Desire, passion, excitement and motivation are at the upper most levels of the scale.
A number of years ago I was at a town fair with my younger son. He was in an inflatable castle with some other children when the castle began to collapse with the children pinned inside. In a heartbeat I was in the castle trying to find my son.
As I pushed down on the floor of the inflatable castle it gave way to the pressure of my hands and knees. The roof of the castle pressed against my back sandwiching me between the two levels of inflated plastic. As I struggled to find Adam I found a foot. I pulled it toward me and then pushed out of the now collapsed castle. I was able to retrieve my son Adam and two more children before the attendant was able to re-inflate the castle.
As I look back on that incident, there was no option but success. Nothing was going to get in my way. Desire was at its highest level. When the children were all safe and the castle was re-inflated a women came up to me and said, “I cannot believe how quickly you moved. In one instant you were next to me and then you were in the castle pulling the children out. How did you do that?’
I remember that day as if it were yesterday and I remember saying to the women, “I HAD TO.”

Secret Number 3-Self Concept
Top performers have a Strong Belief in their ability and themselves to make things happen. They are not swayed by what others think, the economy or
any other outside circumstance. Their belief in themselves and the outcome is absolute.
People who have been goal oriented and have gone through the creative process, have achieved their goals have a strong belief in their ability to produce, to create. History tells them that in the past they had a desire to succeed and they did. These people see no reason to believe that they will not be successful again and again.
Other people have gone through adversity and have survived. In my lifetime I have gone through many difficult situations. History tells me that when I look every situation as an opportunity and act in a proactive way, I succeed.
I have observed people who have met with opportunity. By opportunity I am referring to what people call problems and challenges. Instead of meeting the challenge they would complain, blame, become a victim by their own design and accomplish nothing by their behavior.
These people lost out on a wonderful opportunity to get in touch with what they were truly capable of. They missed out on the opportunity to develop a strong belief in themselves and their ability. People who suffer from self inflicted victim are saying, “If it wasn’t for I would have, he or she did it to me, it’s not my fault, well look at what they did to me”. These people receive some kind of payoff by becoming the victim.
They do it because it is safe, there are no risks and when they do not achieve they can blame the world and keep their self concept intact. Unfortunately, these same people lose out on the opportunity to experience true achievement and growth. Top Performers on the other hand face the opportunity and use the opportunities (obstacles) to develop their mind and skills. Each opportunity they face is with a sense of confidence which was born out of previous experiences.

Secret Number 4-Vision
Once top performers have formulated their idea they have a crystal clear vision of the intended creation. They can see it in its completed form. They can visualize every aspect of the very thing they want to create.
These people know that once they can see the intended creation, it is in fact already in existence in the form of energy. It is just on the other side of the curtain between Idea and Physical Manifestation. They know that if they can see it, it is doable. It is only a question of how.
When an individual has an idea of what they want to create, strong desire to succeed and have a strong belief in themselves and their ability they are truly on the road to success. The next step in the process is to see the image of the creation in their mind’s eye.
These top performers can visualize the completed objective in great detail; the colors and the forms are as clear as any painting you could look at. These top performers are able to see all the details and the big picture.
I can remember many years ago when I moved into my home. A friend had come to visit. As we looked out the rear window I described how the rear property would be landscaped with walkways, gardens, a gazebo, a pool and winding pathways. What I was describing was what I saw in my mind.
I had envisioned what I wanted to create. Many years later my friend came back to visit. When she looked into the backyard she said, “Wow, it is exactly the way you explained it to me five years ago.” Now, here is what had happened. I had an idea of what I wanted to create; I had a strong desire to make it happen.
I believed in myself and my ability to create and I had a clear vision of what it would look like when it was completed. I can go as far as to say that the moment the picture was completed in my head and the other aspects of the creative process were in place, the gardens were created. I just needed to go through the remaining steps of the creative process to have my vision manifested.

Secret Number 5-Feelings
Top performers have the ability to experience the feelings associated with the achievement of their goal. They have the ability to create the experience of having what they want to create just by envisioning the completed goal in their mind’s eye.
We are driven by our emotions. If I was to take you through an exercise that I developed you would learn that regardless of what you want to do, have, go to, create, it is all for one purpose and that is to have feelings of happiness, joy, fulfillment, peace and many other wonderful feelings. We do not want to experience the opposite of these feelings.
Unfortunately, our pursuit for these feelings is temporary. The feelings are there for a period of time and then they are gone. The excitement of the new car passes over time. This scenario will be addressed in another E-Book “The Creative Process” but for now it is enough to say that when we can see the vision of what we want and experience the feelings associated with the achievement of the goal or creation we are that much closer to success.
When I designed the gardens around my home I could feel the joy and peacefulness. Today as I sit in the yard I can experience those feelings. In all fairness I must say that I now look at other projects to bring more or new joy.
We cannot sell the concept of feelings short. There must a synchronicity of feelings and action. The right feelings will propel you forward and the wrong will keep you stuck.
When Adam was a young boy he had the ability to go up the stairs to the second floor of our home. He was able to walk down the hall to his bedroom, turn the door knob and open the door to his room. In spite of his ability he would not go up to his room at night after the sun had set.
His reasoning was there was a bear in his room. The bear in his room of course was fictitious but never the less it was part of his belief system. He truly believed there was a bear in his room. He was able to see the bear in his mind’s eye. It was very real in his head.
He could see the bear in his room just waiting for him to come up. Adam was able to see the bear reach out to him and gobble him up. Along with this image in his mind cam the feelings of fear. The belief, the vision and the fear kept him stuck.

Secret Number 6-Action
Top performers take action. While others talk the talk and stop there, top performers think the talk, talk the talk and walk the talk. Top performer s will size up the situation and develop a series of steps to engage the opportunity at hand.
As they are taking action they monitor and track their progress. They see themselves as separate from the process and systems they are developing. Think of it in terms of driving an automobile.
The Top Performer and Achiever is behind the wheel with a destination in mind. They watch the road signs and know when to turn, slow down or speed up. They have a strong conviction they will succeed.
When we examine the driving example it is a series of incremental steps that become part of the process of driving a car. The driver must go through every step in a clear concise manner, The steps cannot be taken out of order and no steps can be left out. Sometimes the smallest steps are the most significant.
By way of example, if the driver does not unlock the car or fails to place the key in the ignition nothing will happen. Yet if you were to ask a driver what is the most important part of driving a car they would probably say watch where you are going, drive safely, don’t speed or be reckless.
While these are all good common sense answers, the most important part of driving a car is unlocking the car and getting in. GET IT!
So, you want to take action on an idea? Write your idea down and build in a series of sequential steps. Here is a primer to use.
What do I want to create?
What do I need to do to manifest my creation?
What could potentially get in my way?
What steps can I take to deal with those situations so they do not get in my way?
In Summary
I hope that this E-Book was helpful to you. I can tell you what you have read is not theory. It is a practical common sense to creating success as a Top Performer and Achiever. I have worked with this system for many years and it has worked for me because I worked the steps. Good Luck, God Bless and be Happy.
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