How many times have you been to a movie and it didn't end the way that you wanted it to? You think that the hero is going to survive but the hero ends up getting killed. Well, who is it that determines whether the hero lives or dies? If you said it is the person who wrote the script, then that is the correct answer. Doesn't the same principle hold true for you in life? Are you not in control of your life and the direction that it is heading towards? If you are not in control, it is time to reverse that and get into control. Here is the deal, create a movie out of your life and you write the script for how you would like it to go and how you would like it to end. Trust me on the fact that if you don't write your own script, someone else will write it for you. And, the ending they may have for you may not be a way you want to go. One of the greatest lessons that you could ever learn is that - "You are the director and star of your own life's movie and it is you who needs to write the script to determine how it turns out for yourself. All too often, in the social mirror (society), people sit around and wait for the social mirror to determine their life for them only to be disappointed and frustrated by the results that are received. Now, it is time for you to write your own script to your movie. And, think about it, if you are the only one writing your script, then it is you who is determining how the story will turn out. Write a script of success and happiness for yourself then go on out and live it. Be part of the solution in your life instead of being part of the problem. So, whatever is going on in your life right now, you have the opportunity to change it. And, if you don't like the results that you are receiving. It is up to no one else except you to produce the results that you want. So, in closing, direct your own life. You want a better job, write the script and live it. You want a better car, write the script and live it. You want a better relationship, write the script and live it. You want to better yourself with self-development and growth, write the script and live it. I wish you well on your movie of success and excellence for yourself. That is the kind of movie I can watch for I am for people who want to be the best that they can be. That includes you. Peace. Dana Easter El - The Doctor Of Excellence. - FREE Tools Of Excellence.