Principle --- "In life, many people and companies put a huge emphasis on experience. To me, today, experience is over-rated. The better focus is --- Are You Prepared!!!" In my present career as a Safety Leader, you have many different tenures of employees from new hire to over 30 years. In this industry, there seems to be a dividing line that no one acknowledges between the new and the old. Whenever something happens, for example a collision, the question usually is, "Was it a new person?" Well, to me, many industries over-rate experience in lieu of being prepared. I have seen situations of people with over 20 years of experience have a collision, not because of their experience, because they were not prepared for the conditions that was occurring at that time. So it is with you, I don't care how much experience you have, the more important thing is that you must be prepared for whatever it is you are about to face. Lack of preparedness has hurt people. You see vehicle accidents every day from people who have many years of experience; however, they weren't prepared for the situation at hand and get involved in a collision. Unfortunately, approximately 40,000 people do not go home due to vehicle collisions, ever, because they are not prepared. Many people who are in corporate america have a mistaken belief that length of tenure has a lot to do whether someone gets a certain position. They have a sense of entitlement which is not the way of the world today. The position is going to go to the person who is the most prepared for it. It doesn't matter if they been in the business 1 year or 20 years. Who is the most prepared for this position right now? You must be prepared for the opportunity that you seek. Be prepared where you are right now. Who is responsible for your preparedness in every phase of your life? If you said "YOU" you have the correct answer. Whether it is grades in school, grades in college, raising your children, taking care of your business, getting up and going to work, it is you who is responsible for fulfilling your daily tasks and it is you who is accountable for the results that you receive. No one else but you. So, prepare yourself by using the proper formula that you create for yourself. And, hold yourself accountable for the results that you receive. As the boy scout motto says --- "Be Prepared." I wish you well as you travel on your journey of producing success and excellence for yourself. Use the right and proper principles and take the initiative to make it happen in your life right now. Peace. Dana Easter El - The Doctor Of Excellence. For more great keys, tips, principles, and tools for success, please visit: