Principle: Save your energy and quit complaining about life and other people. Save your energy and quit condemning everything that comes your way. Save your energy and stop criticizing everything that is happening to you. Have you been around people who do nothing but complain about life? Have you been around people who do not see the favorable things in life because all they can do is criticize others? Have you been around people who condemn every new idea or concept to make things easier? Are you one of the people in the above question? If you have been around these people, notice how the energy drags you down until you get away from them. People who criticize, condemn, and complain create bad energy and what is really going on is that they are unhappy with themselves. One of the principles that I always teach is: * How you feel about yourself will determine your external environment around you. A lot of times, people constantly blame others and their external environment for their internal conditions. It all begins with you. Get conscious of this principle because when you do, it will be the beginning point to start your journey on the road to success. Stop blaming, complaining, condemning, criticizing, and moaning about how the world and the social mirror is not devoted to making you happy. You have to make your own self happy by using the very thoughts and condition of your mind. Use the principles of nature to help you understand this principle. Nature operates from an inside-out paradigm, and you can be rest assured that people who are not happy with themselves, are not happy with anyone else. Do not join the social mirror which is popular with condemning, criticizing, and complaining. Step outside the mirror and just know that things that happen in life are just that --- THINGS. No reason to complain about it. Look at it, adjust, change the variable in the formula and produce a different result. That's all. When you want to take it to a higher altitude in life, save your energy as you climb. If you are busy complaining, you use up your energy and you will stay at that miserable level which you are complaining about. So, since it does you no good to complain and criticize, use your energy to climb higher. Don't waste it. I want to thank you for sharing your time with me today. I wish you well on your journey that you choose to travel and please feel free to go to for all your personal development and tools for excellence. Peace. Dana Easter El - The Doctor Of Excellence.