Thank you for spending time with me today. I want to write on a key principle to producing success and excellence in your life. The key principle is learning how to "Think and Grow Outside The Box." What in the world does this mean? Well, let us look at it according to how the social mirror (society) wants you to think. The social mirror is very confining when it comes to how you should think and how you should live. Just about every way that you should think --- according to the mirror --- is designed to keep you confined and operating with the masses and the status quo. The social mirror tells you --- "How dare you think differently from me. You are an outcast." Unfortunately, the social mirror punishes people who think act differently. People who act differently outside the realms of mediocrity, that is what is socially accepted in the social mirror, are chastised, teased, alienated, etc. from the rest of the crowd. This is unfortunate. It is unfortunate if you let it affect you. I once heard a quote that states --- "The best revenge in life is massive success." There have been countless stories of people who were outcast who decided to press on anyhow and create massive amounts of success in their lives only to leave behind the mindless others who were the ones chastising in the first place. The point is, do not be afraid to think and grow outside the box. In order to produce success, excellence, and happiness in your life you have to let go of what is comfortable and you have to travel to places you have never been to before. Can it be frightening, absolutely. However, you must press on anyhow because the mere fact of pressing on through fear will only help that fear dissipate and go away forever. Do not be afraid to think and act differently because you want to raise your level of thinking and your level of growth. To do this, you must break away from the masses who are thinking only in mediocrity. This may even mean leaving people that you love. So, there is a price to pay. And, that price is freedom from thinking that keeps you confined. The freedom of living your life on purpose is true freedom that no one else can give to you but yourself. The choice is yours. Do you want freedom by thinking and growing outside the box, or do you want to stay confined and miserable by trying to make everyone else happy by thinking and acting in a certain way? The fact that you are reading this right now, means that you are taking the initial step that mediocre people are not. You are raising your level of thought and learning the principle of thinking outside the box so that you can experience more success and excellence in your daily life. I wish you well on your journey. You deserve to be excellent and you deserve to be happy. Live your life on your terms and learn how to think outside the box and experience the true freedom of bringing your life's purpose into fruition. Please sign up for our FREE monthly E-Magazine filled with more keys, tips, and principles of success and excellence. Go to Peace. Dana Easter El - The Doctor Of Excellence.