What Do You Do When Life Knocks You Down? It is inevitable. At one point in your life, you will be knocked down. And, sometimes the impact you make with the ground can be pretty hard. What do you do when you get knocked down? Do you cry? Do you feel bad? Do you lash out at the world? Do you blame others? What do you do? One of the greatest motivational speakers today, Les Brown, made this profound statement in many of his speeches: "If life knocks you down try and land on your back because if you can look up, you can get up." Life is going to knock you down. Just accept it. It doesn't mean that it is a bad thing. It also doesn't mean going through life trying to play it safe to avoid being knocked down. Going through life trying to play it safe will only create frustration and stress and a lack of fulfillment. There are many people who are walking around dead because they are not living their dreams and fulfilling their calling. Why? Because it is a risk to do so and some people feel it is not worth the risk. This is unfortunate and usually these same people take all of their great dreams and ideas with them to their grave. They are afraid to get knocked but get knocked down anyhow because they did not live their dreams. So, the question is, when you get knocked down, what do you do? The real question is --- Why don't you get you a-- up off the ground, dust yourself off, and move on? The difference between the people who experience success and excellence and the people who don't is determined by who gets up when knocked down. Successful people get up and keep on moving. Unsuccessful people lay around crying and complaining about why something outside themselves caused them to get knocked down. The success stories that we see all throughout history is endless. Did Thomas Edison invent the light bulb on his first attempt? Did Abraham Lincoln win the office of President in his first attempt? When you first attempted to walk as a baby, did you fall? Did you get back up after you fell (and probably cried)? It is not shameful to have fallen. It is shameful to not want to get back up. It is not shameful to fail. It is a shame to want to give up. It is not shameful to not be the best. It is shameful to not give your best when you know you should. The main principle is that when life knocks you down, and it will, dust yourself and get back up and keep on moving forward. Encompass this principle of success and create and unstoppable presence and then you can truly live the dreams that you wish for yourself. Thank you for sharing time today and I wish you well on your journey of success and excellence. Please feel free to visit http://fuelforwellness.com/ for daily keys, tips, and principles to help you help yourself become truly excellent and successful in every area of your life. Peace. Dana Easter El - The Doctor Of Excellence.