Hello readers. Lynn Fife here again with yet another "riveting" article to keep you focused on your personal wealth building program. Let's see... where did we leave off? Oh yea... We're at the part where we already know we need to start planning about our future, but we just don't ever seem to get started for some mysterious reason. OK then... Let's get started. So, you're sitting at home watching TV because, well, that's what you always do to relax. Your mind is (for lack of better terms) "sucked into the tube" which not only has the entertainment you like but... BAM! You also get hit with all those darn commercials. Let's take a quick "think" about those commercials. Q and A time... Q. What do commercials do? A. They program your mind to buy stuff. Q. How many times per hour? A. Statistically the average 60 minute show will have 23 minutes of commercials. Some commercials are 30 seconds while others are 15 seconds. The average is a 20 second commercial (3 a minute) for 23 minutes calculates out to 69, heck, let's call it 70 commercials an hour. The average person watches 4 hours of TV a day for a total of 280 commercials a day. 30 days a month is 8,400 times a month our mind is being programmed to "spend money". Now... compare that to how many times the average person thinks about building their retirement wealth program. Fact is... most people don't even give it one thought. HELLLLOOOO!!!! Does anybody see any hint as to why most people retire broke? So what can we do about it? Here's where the common sense kicks in. Can you guess what's coming next? Sure you can, but you wanna hear it from me anyway don't ya. OK then... The magic key is to find something that A) Is entertaining to you to replace the TV "entertainment value". B) Has the element of "building wealth" instead of "depleting wealth" and C) is 100% commercial free. Hey... Here's a bonus. Let's find something the whole family can get involved with. This will build family relationships as a bonus. After all, when you pass on to the next world, who's gunna get the inheritance? You're so right. All those darling little brats. So, let's get them involved in the earning process. Hey! That's pretty darn good. You get to build your family relationship while building your wealth. Sounds like a great system to me. What do you think? You are probably thinking to yourself, "Self... Where do I start and what can I do that isn't a "scam" type deal". Great question. Glad you thought of it. The most important part of getting started is no so much the technical things of "what" to do. Most important is building a strong inner desire to not only start it but to follow through and complete it. This starts with the "why" part of it. So... Ask yourself the question, "Why DO you want to start on your wealth building program". The answer is not the same for everybody. Heck, I love fishing. Others may like traveling the world. Fact is, everyone has the "dream world" they would like to live in. What is YOUR dream world. This is where you start. Grab some paper and a pen (go ahead... I'll wait). Now, start writing down what the "perfect life" would look like to you. Next, grab some magazines (Travel magazines work great) and start finding pictures of things that fit your retirement picture. Cut them out and paste them on a poster board. This is the first part of getting your dream out of the dream world (your head) and into the world of reality. When you see it, it becomes a reminder of your goal. You look at it every day. Add to it every month. Keep it fresh in your mind and it will be a great mental "charge" to keep your desire up to stick with the Wealth Program you are learning through these articles and books we have provided for you. Next article, we'll discuss some super hot ideas that are definitely NOT scam related things you can do for fun and profit in your spare time that will help you generate some extra income. Future articles will also tell you what to do with that extra income that will literally "rocket" you into personal wealth. Stay tuned and we'll see ya next time around.