I dare you, no; actually I double dog dare you to right now think about how many New Year’s resolutions you’ve made that didn’t last or didn’t work. Now, think about how many resolutions you did make, that did last and did work. Well? If you’re like me and most breathing human beings, the list of resolutions that did NOT work could fill up a Public Storage facility, while the resolutions actually accomplished could fit on that tiny, tiny sticky note where you can fit about 1 “to do.” Let me know if you feel me on this: January: represents new, change, accomplishment, fulfillment, anticipation, and other feelings of triumph. February: brings up feelings of guilt, resentment, failure, and disappointment of unmet aspirations. It doesn’t take long, does it? Let’s go over some news. Do you want the bad news or good news first? Oh, did you say bad news first? Perfect…that’s what I was thinking. BAD NEWS: You, me, and anyone who continues to try and accomplish their goals and desires by setting New Year’s resolutions will only experience further disappoint, guilt, and frustration and will only add to the laundry list of failed self expectations. GOOD NEWS: It’s not your fault! It’s THE SYSTEM YOU ARE USING TO TRY AND GET WHAT YOU WANT THAT IS THE PROBLEM! And, I’ll explain exactly why this will never work so you can avoid the “February Failure” month we all feel so shortly after re-committing our lives just 30 days prior! So, let’s get to it. Here are 3 reasons why New Year’s Resolutions don’t work: 1. If you really wanted “it” you would already be pursuing it. “Ouch Mark. C’mon, take it easy on me I want to enjoy reading this.” I know, and I wish I enjoyed saying it, BUT IT’S THE TRUTH, and my friend, that’s what I will ALWAYS deliver to you. Think about it like this. You are sitting in your favorite chair and you turn the TV on to watch your favorite movie. You are totally engulfed in the engaging story and you remain paralyzed through the first 30 minutes. Then something happens. You begin to feel a slight discomfort or the desire to change positions, so what happens next? YOU ACTUALLY MOVE! You changed your position, right? What prompted you to change your position? YOU BECAME UNCOMFORTABLE, so you moved. Otherwise, you NEVER would have moved! That is exactly why New Year’ resolutions do NOT work. It is like asking you, while you are in your state of “couch paralysis” if you would like to get up and change positions. Absolutely NOT! You see, if we really want something, I mean REALLY want something, you won’t wait! You would just start RIGHT now, and if you find yourself putting that goal, desire, or want off until “the new year,” then I’ll tell you right now…..you simply don’t really want it. 2. Confusion of will power vs inspiration Let’s start by defining each: Will power: energetic determination. Inspiration: A divine influence; the action or power of moving emotions. Yep. You know where I’m going with this one don’t you? When we make a New Year’s resolution we are resorting too, and relying on our sheer will power to bring us what we want. The flaw in that is we run out of energy and desire. The day we lose our emotional determination is the day we have a funeral for our most recent goal. Will power is a strong force, but usually it is more temporary than inspiration, which is what separates the two here. Inspiration, on the other hand, is more purpose based. It comes from a deeper place, and because of that, is more deeply rooted in your values. The deeper the roots, the better the likelihood you’ll keep pursuit. Inspiration takes less effort on our part because it is a desire we have held and probably will continue to keep. But, will power is more like adrenaline. It starts with a great high and then tails off. Inspiration though, is like a machine that never needs to be recharged. 3. Your “because” is weak. In my “Better Your Best!” keynotes I always make a point to address why we don’t get what we want even though we think we want it. I explain it in what I call, “the cycle of intention.” Briefly, our cycle of intention looks like this: 1. We get frustrated with our current reality, so we decide we want something new. 2. With our new found zeal, we come out of the gate fast and punching hard. 3. We hit an obstacle. 4. The challenge seems too difficult to overcome so we jump ship. 5. We revert back to where we started……frustrated. The pivotal point we ALL face is when we hit the obstacle, right? That’s where it will be decided if you get what you want or not! Plus, in anything you pursue, there WILL be obstacles to clear. ONE QUESTION DETERMINES YOUR SUCCESS OR FAILURE: Do you have a strong enough “BECAUSE?” Let’s look at an example: A “BECAUSE” that won’t hold up: I am going to lose 50 pounds because that is my New Year’s Resolution. A “BECAUSE” that has a much higher chance for success: I am going to lose 50 pounds so my children see and experience a healthier lifestyle for the betterment of their future. Each pursuit comes with a price tag. That price tag is selected by the amount of “BECAUSE.” If you’re doing something that is backed up by a vain, shallow, or un-inspired “because” it won’t last longer than the flavor of a piece of Bubbalicious gum. BUT, if you have decided to pursue an end and your “BECAUSE” is backed by something you believe in, then the obstacles will not be able to stop you. How will you know when your “BECAUSE” is strong enough? You’ll push through the pain! RECAP: 3 points to consider: 1. If you REALLY want something new, better, or different, start RIGHT NOW. If you justify waiting, you don’t really want it. 2. Make sure the fuel in the car you are driving to get what you want is not being powered through will power. You’ll need a fill up of inspiration to truly get where you desire. 3. On every road to your goals lie obstacles. Those obstacles can only be overcome by a strong “BECAUSE.” The stronger the hurdle, the stronger “BECAUSE” you’ll need.