Seriously… Does anyone love your company as much as you do? Will anyone market your business with the level of passion and intensity that you will? No! When we are passionate about something, we share it with others. Why should marketing your business be any different? Sure, we all suffer from insecurity from time to time, but when you are in business for yourself, there is simply no room for insecurity! These are my secrets for overcoming insecurity and being the best spokesperson possible for your business: 1. Study! Learn everything that you possibly can about your industry and common business practices. Visit the library and bookstores. Subscribe to industry publications, both hard copy and electronic. Invest time in webinars and tele-classes that teach the latest trends and techniques. The more you know, the easier it will be for you to discuss both the broad scope of your industry and the specifics of your company. 2. Create! Nothing stimulates positive energy flow like creativity. This creativity may revolve around a new product or marketing strategy, or perhaps it’s totally unrelated to your professional life. Indulge yourself in creative acts — writing, painting, gardening, etc. As creativity increases your positive energy, your self-confidence will increase exponentially. 3. Rest & Renew! The affects of stress and fatigue creep up on us without our realization. Think about it. When you’re tired, most every task seems insurmountable. Such is the case when stress and fatigue affect your self-confidence and your marketing capabilities. Regardless of the length of your To Do List or your pending schedule commitments, take time each day to step away from your business. Allow your body and your mind to rest… to renew. You started your business so you could do the work you love. Your enthusiasm for what you do enables you to promote your company with intensity and joy. Incorporate my 3 steps into your daily routine and watch your marketing prowess soar!