The heart muscle is responsible for supplying blood to vital organs. Blood is fluid, consisting of plasma, blood cells, and platelets that are circulated by the heart through the vertebrate vascular system, carrying oxygen and nutrients to, and waste materials away, from all body tissues. The heart is an involuntary muscle. This means it beats independent of our will, not by our own choice. As we engage in rigorous exercise, the heart beats even faster to supply oxygen and blood to the body. We have to love and operate like a heart muscle, loving involuntary. When faced with difficult issues or challenges in a marriage, we have to be willing to love in a greater capacity. It is going to take more love than normal in these difficult situations to survive the rigorous exercise of the challenges a marriage will bring. Our love will be the deciding factor in whether the marriage will live or die. Once the heart stops beating, it goes into cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is the sudden cessation of heartbeat and cardiac function, resulting in the loss of effective circulation. If the heart is not resuscitated then we cannot survive. If we as men stop loving in our relationships, they will eventually die because of the lack of love circulation. This is why we are commanded to love involuntary. Adopting and practicing a principle consists of six things: specific knowledge, skills, tools, a strong desire, definite plan and self discipline. So as men, we must adopt the principle of loving our wives into our minds. To love, you must first have specific knowledge about love. Next, you must develop the skill and tools to love. Finally, you must have a strong desire, a definite plan and self discipline to love. Knowledge addresses what to do. A definite plan and skills addresses how to do it and what tools to use. Self discipline and a strong desire fuels and motivates you to do something. Even if a man knows that to have a successful marriage he needs to love his wife, he may not possess a definite plan, the skills or tools to love her. He may not know how to really love his wife. Knowing he needs to love and knowing how to love are not enough. Unless he wants to love, unless he has a desire to love, he will not adopt the principle and practice of loving his wife. Applying the principle of love requires work in all three dimensions. To develop the skills of loving a woman, you must first have specific knowledge about what love is and is not.