Very few people I know are born to sell. Most of us require training, practice and on going
support, along with an honest desire to excel, before we reach the level of success that would
define us as a “Top Performer”. What we’ve learned along the way is that processes, skills and
sales tools all work together to help us increase the value proposition to our customers. Leave out
a part of the process, or fail to use your tools with appropriate skill, and your odds of success
decline dramatically.
There are literally thousands of selling tips and techniques. There are equally as many selling
tools, and more are hitting the dealership every day. But the most important selling tool is always
available and has always been available for us in the automotive business. Simply put, it’s the
vehicle and all of her wonderful accessories.
Products are tangible. That makes them easier to sell than services that a customer cannot touch
and experience. So why is it that we spend so little time with the customer in and around their
vehicle? From the sales side, we’re lucky if we see a canned 2 minute walk around and 5 minute
demonstration drives; then we get the customer away from the vehicle to talk price.
The vehicle represents the most important reason the customer is at your dealership to begin
with. It’s WHY they are there. This is not to minimize the significance of fact finding, but to
maximize the value of the product in the sales equation. You must use the vehicle to demonstrate
the benefits and value to your customers or you will not be successful at selling, whether it’s a
new vehicle or a used vehicle sale.