Most people have the mindset of seeing their company as being just local and small. The Fortune 100 companies I have worked with see their companies as being international/ worldwide. If a small business owner wants to reap the same rewards as a larger, more successful company, then he must model success. The idea is to learn to think and behave like a Fortune 100 company. You can do it by following these suggestions: 

1. It's important to have an end result each year. This means to have a target hit. For example, from creating my own time management system, I advise companies that they must have an outcome (also called end result) for their company. Too many small business owners worry about paying the bills and having enough money for payroll. They don't think about growth for the long term.

2. The Fortune 100 companies have several ways to marketing their product or services. Lots of small businesses don't budget for marketing, which can make it hard for them to get business. If you want your company to grow, It's a MUST to at least market your company three different ways, like through direct mail, free seminars, and SEO and or Social Media to name a few. 

If you take the "Octopus MUST of Marketing" by trying different ways to get your company name out before the public, you're more likely to find out what works to market effectively. This is better than trying only one way that doesn't work for your business.

3. Develop a burning desire to serve other people. If you are in business, it has to be about service to others and not about making money. Some small businesses I've worked with only focus on the money. Success is about helping as many people as possible.

4. Using the "as if" principle, act as if you already have the desired outcome for your business in mind. Ask yourself how you would feel if you create your outcome. Here are some questions to consider if you already achieved your goal: How would you walk? What would you say to yourself? What would others say to you?

Everything we do is a modeling process. Now it's time to take the same tools and model for success.

Also, be sure to check out this new complimentary session “How to Think like a Fortune 100 Company” .

I will see ya at the top!

Dr. John Oda