Why does it take so long to close a sale with a new customer? The primary answer is usually because they don’t know you or your company. However, there are two key components in turning this recurring challenge around so that clients come to you as if they already have an established relationship with you.

Targeting a Specific Group through Various Forms of Media

The first component is to consistently target the same group of people with a system of follow-up marketing. The second component is to use a combination of media to keep your business in front of your prospects. Since people react differently to various forms of media, it’s important that you expose your target group to a variety of marketing formats. Some of the media available are highly effective, but are also prohibitive due to high costs, such as radio, billboards, and cable TV ads. Most businesses don’t make money on these media formats, but they use them on captive audiences to familiarize them with their company name and the look and feel of their business.

Finding Affordable Ways to Market Your Company

If your marketing budget is especially limited there are still a number of ways to get the word out. Some media formats that your small business utilize with minimal expenditure and maximum results include:

• Logos, color schemes, etc. that can be included on all of your advertising, letterhead, business cards, uniforms, and signage;

• A highly representative slogan;

• Signage on all company vehicles and job sites;

• Event sponsorship or volunteering on a local, regional or national level.

An effective marketing system that hits prospects in waves, getting them to recognize that they are in need of your products or services, is crucial for growing your small business. Adding other sources of “recognition media” to get them to say to themselves “Hey, I know these guys,” is the true icing on the marketing cake.

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