Your words are powerful when people take action on your words. Using the right words in the right order will enhance your rewards. When you hear the word communication, you probably think of speaking words. Most people do think of words. Words will allow you to perform well in the game of communications. We have heard the phrase “the art of communication.” That phrase means that you or someone else has given a speech, presentation, lecture, persuasion, etc. in a professional manner and caused someone to do or respond the way you wanted them to respond. To achieve this level of communication, you must rehearse, review and revise to achieve the level of being a professional. Who do you know that uses words to the level of being a professional? They are so proficient in using words that they will mesmerize you. There are many groups and here is a very short list: Politicians Lawyers Negotiators Counselors Salesmen Doctors Healers Parents Preachers Professional speakers Teachers and the list continues. Everyone is concentrating on using the proper words all the time. It is your responsibility to help people get happily involved with your product or service. The amount of money you earn is a yardstick of the service you give to your future partners. More service gives more money. This is all accomplished by using the proper words at the place and with the proper voice inflection. Since words are so important in communication, there are some words we should NOT use in our communication. Some words will give the impression of degrading the importance of your words. We have heard the phrase “it’s the little things that can kill you,” and that holds true to words you should not use in your persuasions. The words not to use are little words and they will create a huge negative impact in the subconscious mind of your audience. These words are in no specific order and no word is more or less harmful than the other. Here are words you should take out of persuasion vocabulary: TRY, think about that for a while. How can anybody try, either you do or you don’t! This is a poor word because it implies failure or a C.Y.A. (cover your assets) or an out for you. If you meet your friend and that friend says let’s have lunch tomorrow and you say, sounds good, “I’ll try.” Tomorrow arrives, yes I know tomorrow never comes, your friend is at the restaurant waiting for you and you never show. In your friend’s mind you lied to him because you did not hold up your end of the plan. Later that afternoon your friend calls and asks why you never showed up for lunch and you say, “I tried.” Here is another example, you set your goals for the year and one of your goals is to make a million dollars by the end of the year. The end of the year is here and you do not have a million dollars and you say, “I tried.” You gave yourself an out for failure, didn’t you? You must say I am going to earn a million dollars by the end of the year. You create a plan broken down into steps to be achieved during the year to reach your goal by year’s end. Plan your work and work your plan. In order for you to eliminate TRY from your vocabulary, you must program your subconscious mind to NOT say the word TRY. Our mind is a powerful and amazing instrument that controls our being. We can condition our brain by programming our subconscious mind using auditory messages. The subconscious mind will process the information then send the message to the conscious mind that controls our everyday existence. Now that you have a minute idea of the function of your mind, I NOW want you to say out-loud “I remove the word “TRY” from my vocabulary.” Guess what? You have just programmed your subconscious mind to remove “TRY.” CAN’T is another word to take out of your vocabulary. Have you ever asked someone to do something for you and they responded by saying, I can’t? What did they really mean? Did you ask them what they meant by saying I can’t? Probably not. Whenever someone tells you “I can’t,” you should ask them this: when you say I can’t do you mean you don’t know how to or you don’t want to? If they say they don’t know how to, you NOW have information you can use to continue. They can learn how to do what you wanted them to do. If they say they don’t want to, you ask them what is it that keeps you from wanting to do what you ask them to do and move on from there. If they respond with I don’t know, they are just wasting your time. Can’t never did anything so remove it NOW! Say out-loud “I remove the word “CAN’T” from my vocabulary.” Guess what? You have just programmed your subconscious mind to remove “CAN’T.” Your “BUT” needs to go. Many people use the next word and they don’t even realize they are hurting themselves by using this word. Many people get into trouble because they have a big BUT! You did notice the spelling is with one T and not two T’s. You may have a big but in your life and that big but keeps you from getting what you want. Your “BUT” negates everything prior to it. Here are some examples: I want to be successful, but it takes a lot of work. I want to healthier, but it means eating right and working out. Any place you use but you need to replace your but with and. Get the but out of there. By replacing your but with and, you will change your mindset on everything. Going back to the first sentence, read it with and. I want to be successful and it will take a lot of work. The second sentence. I want to healthier and it means eating right and working out. Notice the difference, we went from a negative to a positive in our speaking and it created a different mindset. Remove your “BUT” NOW. Say out-loud “I remove the word “BUT” from my vocabulary.” Guess what? You have just programmed your subconscious mind to remove “BUT.” You NOW have some food for thought and you NOW know you must work at not using the three words. It is now time to program your subconscious mind to get rid of using those three words. The subconscious mind takes in information when someone speaks. The information is processed then sent to the conscious mind and working together decisions are made. Right now you may be thinking this is all a bunch of B.S. I know how you feel and many people have felt that same thing and here is what they found. They discovered that they were able NOT to use those words once they had their subconscious mind programmed to get rid of those words. The mind is a powerful instrument and we only know a small portion of it’s potential. When you are ready and want to do better, program you mind to do better and let it work for you. You will be amazed. You were intrigued with this article, weren’t you? This was a sample of what is inside the book Persuasion Equations and I have a book reserved for you. Go the site: go to the upper left hand corner, input your name and email address, click SUBMIT and you will taken to a page where you can get your book. Thank you Roger Neumann Go out and make it a $ucce$$ful day!